New Year Goals

2017 was great but it is almost time to say goodbye. At the end of every year I make a list of 12 goals that I would like to achieve for the following year. Why 12? Well, because there's 12 months in a year. I don't set out to complete a goal each month, but it's just a number I work with. Whenever I make my list I make sure to jolt down goals that are attainable and goals that help me grow as a person. It's a fun way to challenge yourself and it keeps you focused on what you should be doing. To remind myself of these goals I like to keep them stored in notes on my phone. Below you will find the list of my 12 goals for 2018.  

2018 Goals
1- Run a 5k
2- Read more books (at least 5)
3- Get a jar and fill it up with all the good things that happened in 2018
4- Take a trip somewhere new
5-Keep up with braces care
6- Paint car
7- Stay fit
8- Take a full day off social media once a month
9- Use more lotion
10- Keep up with blog
11- Pamper yourself more 
12- Be happy 
